Don’t pay more than you have to in interest on your next auto loan. When you speak with one of our experienced Lending Specialists, we’ll review your current loan rate and monthly payment to see how switching to a loan at MidSouth Community can save you money!
Auto (Consumer Secured) | up to 36 months up to 48 months up to 60 months up to 72 months up to 84 months | 4.49% 4.49% 4.49% 5.50% 6.25% |
RV's and Motorcycles | 0 to 36 months 37 to 60 months 61 to 72 months 73 to 84 months | 7.75% 8.00% 8.75% 9.25% |
*Annual Percentage Rate is accurate as of January 1, 2025. Rates listed are our best rates (A+ credit) based on credit approval and our lending requirements. Rates are accurate as of the above date and are subject to change. The actual interest offered may be higher depending on the applicant’s credit rating and other underwriting factors. Terms, conditions, and membership requirements apply. All loans are subject to credit approval. Not valid with auto loans currently financed with MidSouth Community FCU. **Interest will continue to accrue and deferment of payment will extend the life of the loan. For questions or complaints, please call 478.475.7819. Equal Opportunity Lender.
Vehicle Protection
Get a free vehicle GAP or Warranty quote.
GAP and warranty products are not products of the Credit Union; and are not obligations of or guaranteed by the Credit Union. GAP or warranties may be purchased from an agent or an insurance company of the Member’s choice, and Credit Union makes no representations as to the services of any provider.
Indirect Lending
Are you looking for one-stop shopping when it comes to buying a new or used car at a local dealership? Our Indirect Lending auto program allows you to obtain a MidSouth Community auto loan directly at participating dealerships. It’s the quick, convenient way to drive away in your new car or truck! You can even set up your auto loan to be paid automatically from your share or checking account.
Learn who our participating auto dealerships are.
Helpful Loan Calculators
These calculators are intended for informational purposes only. The rates and amounts reflected in the calculations are not a substitute for other qualifications that are required for loans.